Dr. Bozzone and Coach Crissie are available to speak on topics focused in Lifestyle Medicine, Wellnesss and Whole Food, Plant-Based Nutrition. Prices vary depending on group type, size, and location.
Available for corporate Lunch and Learn, Support Groups, Group Meetings, Healthy Luncheons, or any group exploring the topic of lifestyle behaviors and overall health.
Topics may include (but are not limited to) the following;
What is Lifestyle Medicine?
Resilience: Unlocking Your Potential
Food For Thought: The Impact of Nutrition on Brain Health
Diabetes: Can it Be Undone?
Diet Fads Busted
Building Healthy Kids
Foundations of Health: Nutrition, Movement, Stress Reduction, and Sleep
Past event audiences include: Hamilton County Government, Unum, Urban League of Greater Chattanooga, YMCA, Southeast Tennessee Aging Conference, Cigna Health
Available for classes, workshops, Lunch and Learns, conferences, and meet-ups at your location or True Health Journey.
Classes can be taught as a series of four to seven weeks in length or a single class.
Each of the curricula includes information about how certain foods and nutrients work to promote health and fight disease. The classes help translate complex scientific nutrition information into understandable and motivating lessons, with simple easy meals. Each nutrition and cooking class features a nutrition lecture and a live cooking demonstration all within a supportive group setting. These classes will guide attendees to make better decisions when they go to the grocery store and when they prepare meals. Although disease-promoting food is all around us, we have access to the best most diverse, nutrient-dense foods on the planet. We just have to choose them, learn how to prepare them, and enjoy them!
Topics may include (but are not limited to) the following:
Kickstart Your Health with Plant-Based Nutrition: Discover how simple qualitative dietary changes can lead to a healthy weight and eliminate or reduce chronic disease
Employee Wellness Program: Improve employee health and productivity through evidence based nutrition education.
Topics may include but are not limited to the following; Learn about the benefits of a Plant-Based Nutrition approach for diabetes prevention, treatment, and reversal.
The Power of Food For Cancer Prevention and Survival: Learn about right food choices that can help reduce the risk of developing cancer as well as overcome the disease once it has been diagnosed.
Kid’s Health: Establish in children knowledge and skills necessary to form healthful habits they can carry with them well into adulthood.
Healthy Basics: Realize the savings incurred with healthy eating, not only in dollars but also in quality of life.