Dr. Bozzone and Coach Crissie are available for webinars within your workplace, team or community. Topics other than those listed below can be requested to address your needs for additional fee.
Employee Wellness Video Packages: We also offer top of the line, interactive employee wellness video series.
Webinars with Dr. Bozzone
Pricing: $500/live webinar (temporary video access available for additional fee of $100/month)
Live webinars:
Average 45 minute presentation with a 15-minute Q&A Session
Inspirational evidence-based education
Applicable information to empower your team to use their lifestyle to optimize their health and productivity
Resilience/mental well-being
Sleep: the understated superpower
Nourish yourself with healthy nutrition
Community for physical activity
Back pain (inflammation) and nutrition
Healthy weight loss
Healthy heart, blood-pressure, and cholesterol
Diabetes type 2
Preventive medicine with lifestyle
Webinars with Coach Crissie
Pricing: $400/live webinar (temporary video access available for additional fee of $100/month)
Live webinars:
Fun and hands-on demonstrations to support our “how to” needs, and bridge the gap between knowing and doing
Topics include:
Reading Nutrition Labels
Weight Loss Foods and Recipes
Cooking Demonstrations Geared Towards Healthy Meals in a Time-Crunch
Cleaning Out Your Pantry
Where to Get Your Protein
Healthy Gut: Bumping Up Fiber
Healthy Desserts
Eating the Rainbow
Eating Out/Social Gatherings/Healthy Holidays
Easy Meals on a Budget